Do not worry about lack or shortage of skills in your current project. Hire Remote Developers from Picco Talent, engage them immediately on your project and get going.
With Sound Understanding of Node Js Development
If you are looking for more than three month long term engagement, you can try our Developer by giving a few tasks. If you are satisfied with the work, you can continue with the Developer. If you are not satisfied, there is no obligation.
MySQL 3 years
NodeJs 3 years
Express Framework 3 years
GitHub 3 years
vscode 3 years
TypeORM 3 years
Typescript 3 years
JavaScript 3 years
vscode 2 years
NodeJs 2 years
MySql 2 years
GitHub 2 years
JavaScript 2 years
Typescript 2 years
vscode 2 years
NGINX 1 years
ESLint 1 years
TSLint 1 years
phpMyAdmin 1 years
vscode 1 years
webstorm 1 years
PostgreSQL 1 years
Express Framework 1 years
TypeORM 1 years
pgAdmin 1 years
phpMyAdmin 1 years
Sequelize 1 years
EJS Framework 1 years
Routing controller 1 years
Apache 1 years
Project Completed
Software Developer with Expertise in React Framework
If you are looking for more than three month long term engagement, you can try our Developer by giving a few tasks. If you are satisfied with the work, you can continue with the Developer. If you are not satisfied, there is no obligation.
ReactJs 2 years
NPM React Libraries 2 years
NextJs 2 years
Redux 2 years
vscode 2 years
GitHub 2 years
Visual Studio Code 2 years
HTML 2 years
CSS 2 years
MobX 1 years
React ES6 1 years
react node npm 1 years
JSX 1 years
Apache 1 years
AXIOS 1 years
Project Completed
Good Working Experience in Flutter Development
If you are looking for more than three month long term engagement, you can try our Developer by giving a few tasks. If you are satisfied with the work, you can continue with the Developer. If you are not satisfied, there is no obligation.
Hybrid 2 years
Skia 2 years
Dart virtual machine 2 years
vscode 2 years
GitHub 2 years
HTML 2 years
CSS 2 years
Flutter 2 years
Project Completed
Good Hands on experience in Angular Development
If you are looking for more than three month long term engagement, you can try our Developer by giving a few tasks. If you are satisfied with the work, you can continue with the Developer. If you are not satisfied, there is no obligation.
Angular 3 years
Angular Material 3 years
NgRx 3 years
NPM 3 years
vscode 3 years
HTML 3 years
CSS 3 years
GitHub 3 years
JavaScript 2 years
Apache 2 years
NGINX 2 years
NG Bootstrap 2 years
Ng select 2 years
RxJS 2 years
Typescript 2 years
Project Completed
A Mid-Level Experienced Nodejs Developer
If you are looking for more than three month long term engagement, you can try our Developer by giving a few tasks. If you are satisfied with the work, you can continue with the Developer. If you are not satisfied, there is no obligation.
NodeJs 3 years
MySQL 3 years
Express Framework 3 years
TypeORM 3 years
GitHub 2 years
JavaScript 2 years
vscode 2 years
Typescript 2 years
TypeORM 2 years
Express Framework 2 years
MySQL 2 years
NodeJs 2 years
TSLint 1 years
PostgreSQL 1 years
Sequelize 1 years
EJS Framework 1 years
ESLint 1 years
NGINX 1 years
Routing controller 1 years
Apache 1 years
Project Completed
Proven experience in building high quality Mobile Apps
If you are looking for more than three month long term engagement, you can try our Developer by giving a few tasks. If you are satisfied with the work, you can continue with the Developer. If you are not satisfied, there is no obligation.
Angular 4 years
Ionic 4 years
vscode 4 years
NgRx 4 years
GitHub 4 years
HTML 4 years
CSS 4 years
Hybrid 4 years
Cordova Plugins 4 years
Typescript 3 years
Cordova 3 years
Ionic 4 framework 3 years
Angular Material 3 years
RxJS 3 years
JavaScript 3 years
Ionic 2 years
Skia 2 years
Dart 2 years
Android studio 2 years
Project Completed
An Expert Angular Developer
If you are looking for more than three month long term engagement, you can try our Developer by giving a few tasks. If you are satisfied with the work, you can continue with the Developer. If you are not satisfied, there is no obligation.
GitHub 4 years
vscode 4 years
CSS 4 years
Angular 4 years
HTML 4 years
Angular Material 4 years
NgRx 4 years
NPM 4 years
JavaScript 3 years
NG Bootstrap 3 years
Ng select 3 years
RxJS 3 years
Angular 7 2 years
Angular 6 2 years
Angular 5 2 years
Angular Google Maps Core 2 years
Lodash 2 years
Internationalization 2 years
Angular 9 2 years
Apache 2 years
NGINX 2 years
Typescript 2 years
Project Completed
Good Working Experience in PHP Developer
If you are looking for more than three month long term engagement, you can try our Developer by giving a few tasks. If you are satisfied with the work, you can continue with the Developer. If you are not satisfied, there is no obligation.
CSS 3 years
PHP 3 years
MySQL 3 years
vscode 3 years
phpMyAdmin 3 years
PHP Codeigniter 3 years
HTML 3 years
MySQL 2 years
jQuery 2 years
PHP Codeigniter 2 years
phpMyAdmin 2 years
vscode 2 years
PHP 2 years
JavaScript 2 years
PHP 2 years
jQuery 1 years
Project Completed
Full end-to-end expertise in Angular Development
If you are looking for more than three month long term engagement, you can try our Developer by giving a few tasks. If you are satisfied with the work, you can continue with the Developer. If you are not satisfied, there is no obligation.
Angular 4 years
NPM 3 years
NgRx 3 years
vscode 3 years
HTML 3 years
CSS 3 years
GitHub 3 years
Angular Material 3 years
Angular 3 years
NGINX 2 years
RxJS 2 years
Ng select 2 years
NG Bootstrap 2 years
Typescript 2 years
JavaScript 2 years
Apache 2 years
Project Completed
Proficient Angular Frontend Engineer
If you are looking for more than three month long term engagement, you can try our Developer by giving a few tasks. If you are satisfied with the work, you can continue with the Developer. If you are not satisfied, there is no obligation.
Angular 3 years
CSS 3 years
NgRx 3 years
Angular Material 3 years
NPM 3 years
vscode 3 years
HTML 3 years
GitHub 3 years
Typescript 2 years
Apache 2 years
NG Bootstrap 2 years
Ng select 2 years
JavaScript 2 years
NGINX 2 years
RxJS 2 years
Project Completed
Node.js Developer with Depth in Backend Development knowledge
If you are looking for more than three month long term engagement, you can try our Developer by giving a few tasks. If you are satisfied with the work, you can continue with the Developer. If you are not satisfied, there is no obligation.
NodeJs 4 years
MySQL 3 years
Express Framework 3 years
TypeORM 3 years
NodeJs 3 years
MySql 2 years
NodeJs 2 years
JavaScript 2 years
vscode 2 years
GitHub 2 years
Typescript 2 years
Express Framework 1 years
Sequelize 1 years
webstorm 1 years
TypeORM 1 years
Routing controller 1 years
Apache 1 years
NGINX 1 years
ESLint 1 years
TSLint 1 years
PostgreSQL 1 years
phpMyAdmin 1 years
EJS Framework 1 years
Project Completed
Experienced Golang Developer with in-dept API Focused Knowledge
If you are looking for more than three month long term engagement, you can try our Developer by giving a few tasks. If you are satisfied with the work, you can continue with the Developer. If you are not satisfied, there is no obligation.
Golang 5 years
MySQL 3 years
jQuery 3 years
vscode 3 years
GitHub 3 years
HTML 3 years
CSS 3 years
GIN 3 years
Golang 3 years
Apache 2 years
APIDOC 2 years
PostgreSQL 2 years
Postman 2 years
BEEGO 2 years
ECHO 2 years
Project Completed
Software Engineer with Golang Expertise
If you are looking for more than three month long term engagement, you can try our Developer by giving a few tasks. If you are satisfied with the work, you can continue with the Developer. If you are not satisfied, there is no obligation.
Golang 3 years
GIN 3 years
MySQL 3 years
jQuery 3 years
vscode 3 years
HTML 3 years
CSS 3 years
GitHub 3 years
PostgreSQL 2 years
ECHO 2 years
Postman 2 years
Apache 2 years
APIDOC 2 years
BEEGO 2 years
Project Completed
A detail oriented Back-end Developer.
If you are looking for more than three month long term engagement, you can try our Developer by giving a few tasks. If you are satisfied with the work, you can continue with the Developer. If you are not satisfied, there is no obligation.
NodeJs 4 years
Express Framework 2 years
MySQL 2 years
TypeORM 2 years
Typescript 2 years
NodeJs 2 years
JavaScript 2 years
vscode 2 years
GitHub 2 years
Typescript 2 years
Routing controller 1 years
PostgreSQL 1 years
Sequelize 1 years
Apache 1 years
NGINX 1 years
ESLint 1 years
TSLint 1 years
EJS Framework 1 years
JIRA 1 years
Project Completed
Angular Developer with Strong Focus on Frontend
If you are looking for more than three month long term engagement, you can try our Developer by giving a few tasks. If you are satisfied with the work, you can continue with the Developer. If you are not satisfied, there is no obligation.
Angular 4 years
Typescript 2 years
Angular 2 years
Angular 2 years
NPM 2 years
NgRx 2 years
CSS 2 years
Angular Material 2 years
HTML 2 years
Angular 9 2 years
GitHub 2 years
vscode 2 years
JavaScript 1 years
Ng select 1 years
NG Bootstrap 1 years
RxJS 1 years
NPM 1 years
phpMyAdmin 1 years
RxJS 1 years
NG Bootstrap 1 years
Angular Material 1 years
NPM 1 years
Apache 1 years
NGINX 1 years
NG Bootstrap 1 years
NodeJs 1 years
JIRA 1 years
RxJS 1 years
Project Completed
React Developer with End-to-End Front End Expertise
If you are looking for more than three month long term engagement, you can try our Developer by giving a few tasks. If you are satisfied with the work, you can continue with the Developer. If you are not satisfied, there is no obligation.
ReactJs 4 years
HTML 3 years
Angular Material 3 years
NPM 3 years
NgRx 3 years
CSS 3 years
GitHub 3 years
Angular 3 years
vscode 3 years
Redux 3 years
NextJs 3 years
NPM React Libraries 3 years
react node npm 3 years
React ES6 3 years
ReactJs 3 years
Ionic 2 years
MobX 2 years
Cordova Plugins 2 years
AXIOS 2 years
JavaScript 2 years
Typescript 2 years
Apache 2 years
Ionic 4 framework 2 years
Ng select 2 years
NG Bootstrap 2 years
NGINX 2 years
RxJS 2 years
Cordova 2 years
JSX 2 years
Project Completed
Creative Mobile App Developer specializing in Flutter Technology
If you are looking for more than three month long term engagement, you can try our Developer by giving a few tasks. If you are satisfied with the work, you can continue with the Developer. If you are not satisfied, there is no obligation.
Angular 3 years
Angular Material 3 years
NgRx 3 years
NPM 3 years
vscode 3 years
GitHub 3 years
HTML 3 years
CSS 3 years
Flutter 3 years
Skia 3 years
Hybrid 3 years
Typescript 2 years
NGINX 2 years
Apache 2 years
NG Bootstrap 2 years
RxJS 2 years
Ng select 2 years
JavaScript 2 years
Project Completed
Backend Engineer with Strong Golang and API Skills
If you are looking for more than three month long term engagement, you can try our Developer by giving a few tasks. If you are satisfied with the work, you can continue with the Developer. If you are not satisfied, there is no obligation.
Golang 2 years
GIN 2 years
MySQL 2 years
jQuery 2 years
Postman 2 years
vscode 2 years
GitHub 2 years
HTML 2 years
CSS 2 years
APIDOC 1 years
BEEGO 1 years
ECHO 1 years
PostgreSQL 1 years
Apache 1 years
DEVOPS 1 years
Project Completed
Creative Mobile App Engineer specializing in Flutter Technology
If you are looking for more than three month long term engagement, you can try our Developer by giving a few tasks. If you are satisfied with the work, you can continue with the Developer. If you are not satisfied, there is no obligation.
CSS 2 years
Hybrid 2 years
Skia 2 years
Dart virtual machine 2 years
vscode 2 years
GitHub 2 years
HTML 2 years
Flutter 2 years
Project Completed
Highly Experienced Node js Developer
If you are looking for more than three month long term engagement, you can try our Developer by giving a few tasks. If you are satisfied with the work, you can continue with the Developer. If you are not satisfied, there is no obligation.
MySQL 4 years
NodeJs 4 years
Skia 2 years
Hybrid 2 years
HTML 2 years
Flutter 2 years
Dart virtual machine 2 years
Express Framework 2 years
TypeORM 2 years
CSS 2 years
JavaScript 2 years
Typescript 2 years
vscode 2 years
Sequelize 2 years
PostgreSQL 2 years
NGINX 2 years
Apache 2 years
TSLint 2 years
NodeJs 2 years
MySQL 2 years
ESLint 2 years
EJS Framework 2 years
GitHub 2 years
Routing controller 1 years
Project Completed
With Sound Understanding of Node Js Development
3Project Completed
3Very Good
Software developer with Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology and 3 years of experience at Piccosoft Software Labs India PVT LTD. Exposure to various database engine technologies such as Typescript, MYSQL, Node JS JavaScript, and others for backend development. Good understanding of the existing technical solutions and their implementation. Desire to work in a fast-paced environment.
Express Framework
Software Developer with Expertise in React Framework
2Project Completed
3Very Good
Software developer with a Bachelor of Engineering and 2 years experience at Piccosoft Software Labs India PVT LTD. Passion for technology and working knowledge of the industrial landscape. Develop a highly available and performance processing engine. Meticulously completes tasks and delivers exactly what is required. Good problem-solving and negotiating skills.
NPM React Libraries
Good Working Experience in Flutter Development
2Project Completed
3Very Good
Software developer with Bachelor of Engineering and have 2 years’ experience at Piccosoft Software Labs India PVT LTD. Good self-management skills. Highly organized and able to prioritize. Develop a highly available and performance processing engine. Able to stay focused in distracting environments. Strong initiative and motivation to take ownership.
Dart virtual machine
Good Hands on experience in Angular Development
3Project Completed
3Very Good
Software developer with Bachelor of Engineering and 3 years of experience at Piccosoft Software Labs India PVT LTD. Responsible for developing user interaction screens using CSS, HTML & Bootstrap. Extensive knowledge in developing websites using JavaScript frameworks for front-end development. Excellent interpersonal abilities, time management, and team skills to work hard to meet project deadlines.
Angular Material
A Mid-Level Experienced Nodejs Developer
3Project Completed
3Very Good
Software developer with Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology and 3 years experience at Piccosoft Software Labs India PVT LTD. Exposure to various database engine technologies such as Typescript, MYSQL, Node JS JavaScript, and others for backend development. Good understanding of the existing technical solutions and their implementation. Desire to work in a fast-paced environment.
Express Framework
Proven experience in building high quality Mobile Apps
4Project Completed
3Very Good
Software developer with Bachelor of Engineering and have 4 years experience at Piccosoft Software Labs India PVT LTD. Understanding & mapping client’s requirements/enhancements to the product, implementing solutions that effectively resolve problems or provide improvement. Handling various technical aspects like coding of modules using the given design specifications, debugging and fixing the defects as well as analyzing its root cause. Ensuring that business requirements and functional specifications for the module coded by me are retested and fulfilled before the code is delivered for integration.
An Expert Angular Developer
3Project Completed
3Very Good
Software developer with Bachelor of Engineering in Computer science and 3 years experience at Piccosoft Software Labs India PVT LTD. Understanding & mapping client’s requirements/enhancements to the product, implementing solutions that effectively resolve problems or provide improvement. Handling various technical aspects like coding of modules using the given design specifications, debugging and fixing the defects as well as analyzing its root cause. Ensuring that business requirements and functional specifications for the module coded by me are retested and fulfilled before the code is delivered for integration.
Good Working Experience in PHP Developer
3Project Completed
3Very Good
Software developer with Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology and 3 years of experience at Piccosoft Software Labs India PVT LTD. Possessing considerable knowledge of the development of web applications using PHP, MYSQL. Proven ability in optimizing web functionalities that improve data retrieval and workflow efficiencies. Self-motivated, detail-oriented, and creative problem-solver.
Full end-to-end expertise in Angular Development
4Project Completed
3Very Good
Software developer with Bachelor of Engineering and 4 years of experience at Piccosoft Software Labs India PVT LTD. Responsible for developing user interaction screens using CSS, HTML & Bootstrap. Extensive knowledge in developing websites using JavaScript frameworks for front-end development. Excellent interpersonal abilities, time management, and team skills to work hard to meet project deadlines.
Proficient Angular Frontend Engineer
3Project Completed
3Very Good
Software developer with Bachelor of Engineering and 3 years’ experience at Piccosoft Software Labs India PVT LTD. Possessing considerable knowledge of the development of web applications using Angular. Proven ability in optimizing web functionalities that improve data retrieval and workflow efficiencies. Self-motivated, detail-oriented, and creative problem-solver.
Angular Material
Node.js Developer with Depth in Backend Development knowledge
4Project Completed
3Very Good
Software developer with Bachelor of Engineering and 4 years’ experience at Piccosoft Software Labs India PVT LTD. Exposure to various database engine technologies such as Typescript, MYSQL, Node JS JavaScript, and others for backend development. Good understanding of the existing technical solutions and their implementation. Desire to work in a fast-paced environment.
Express Framework
Experienced Golang Developer with in-dept API Focused Knowledge
5Project Completed
3Very Good
Software developer with Bachelor of Engineering in Computer science Department and 5 years’ experience at Piccosoft Software Labs India PVT LTD. Passion for technology and working knowledge of industrial landscape. Develop a highly available and performance processing engine. Meticulously completes tasks and delivers exactly what is required. Good problem-solving and negotiating skills.
Software Engineer with Golang Expertise
3Project Completed
3Very Good
Software developer with Bachelor of Engineering and 3 years of experience at Piccosoft Software Labs India PVT LTD. Proficient in developing websites using MYSQL, CSS, HTML & JavaScript. Proven ability in optimizing web functionalities that improve data retrieval and workflow efficiencies. Ability to learn and collaborate in rapidly changing environments and compositions.
A detail oriented Back-end Developer.
4Project Completed
3Very Good
Software developer with Master of Computer Application and 4 years’ experience at Piccosoft Software Labs India PVT LTD. Good understanding of Typescript, MYSQL, Node JS JavaScript. Intermediate to advanced knowledge of web technologies and browsers. Strong initiative and motivated to take ownership. Good self-management skills; highly organized and able to prioritize.
Express Framework
Angular Developer with Strong Focus on Frontend
4Project Completed
3Very Good
Software developer with Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science Department and 4 years’ experience at Piccosoft Software Labs India PVT LTD. Good understanding of CSS, HTML & JavaScript. Intermediate to advanced knowledge of web technologies and browsers. Strong initiative and motivated to take ownership. Good self-management skills; highly organized and able to prioritize.
React Developer with End-to-End Front End Expertise
4Project Completed
3Very Good
Software developer with Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science Department and 4 years’ experience at Piccosoft Software Labs India PVT LTD. Good understanding of CSS, HTML & JavaScript. Intermediate to advanced knowledge of web technologies and browsers. Strong initiative and motivation to take ownership. Good self-management skills; highly organized and able to prioritize.
Angular Material
Creative Mobile App Developer specializing in Flutter Technology
3Project Completed
3Very Good
Software developer with a Bachelor of Engineering and 3 years of experience at Piccosoft Software Labs India PVT LTD. Understanding & mapping client’s requirements/enhancements to the product, implementing solutions that effectively resolve problems or provide improvement. Handling various technical aspects like coding of modules using the given design specifications, debugging and fixing the defects as well as analyzing its root cause. Ensuring that business requirements and functional specifications for the module coded by me are retested and fulfilled before the code is delivered for integration.
Angular Material
Backend Engineer with Strong Golang and API Skills
2Project Completed
3Very Good
Software developer with Bachelor of Engineering and 2 years experience at Piccosoft Software Labs India PVT LTD. Proficient in developing websites using MYSQL, CSS, HTML & JavaScript. Proven ability in optimizing web functionalities that improve data retrieval and workflow efficiencies. Ability to learn and collaborate in rapidly changing environments and compositions.
Creative Mobile App Engineer specializing in Flutter Technology
2Project Completed
3Very Good
Software developer with a Bachelor of Engineering and 2 years of experience at Piccosoft Software Labs India PVT LTD. Understanding & mapping client’s requirements/enhancements to the product, implementing solutions that effectively resolve problems or provide improvement. Handling various technical aspects like coding of modules using the given design specifications, debugging and fixing the defects as well as analyzing its root cause. Ensuring that business requirements and functional specifications for the module coded by me are retested and fulfilled before the code is delivered for integration.
Dart virtual machine
Highly Experienced Node js Developer
4Project Completed
3Very Good
Software developer with Master of Science in Computer Application and have 4 years’ experience at Piccosoft Software Labs India PVT LTD. Passion for technology and working knowledge of the industrial landscape. Develop a highly available and performance processing engine. Meticulously completes tasks and delivers exactly what is required. Good problem-solving and negotiating skills.