Day by day Python Programing language is gaining popularity which in turn increasing python developers demand in the current market globally. Many popular websites and many other platforms are being developed in Python language like Quora. Even Google uses the language for a number of their applications. They even have a developer portal dedicated to Python, with free classes including exercises, lectures. And it can also be seen that more and more start-ups and new apps are looking for Python rather than any other programing language. Reason being Python is designed to be simple to read and write. Because it is considered universal and used in various development needs, it’s a language that offers a lot of options to programmers in general. Additionally Python is believed to be a strong contender when it comes to the web services space. Python is a general purpose programming language which emphasizes code readability and increases the productivity of developers while used for desktop apps, web apps and data mining. The most popular Python framework is Django. Its main feature is that within a single package there is everything you need to build a web application, from simple to complex. Python is extremely valuable because all existing API’s support Python.
Python has a huge native library and has huge open source community. Its Data Analysis related projects have established themselves as key players in the data-driven market. There is no better way to jump into the Machine Learning field other than start learning scikit-learn and pandas. Python and most of the tools that dominate production environments (Java, Rails, Go, Scala) are good at a variety of things. Last year we saw slow rise in its popularity and it’s now reaching quite close to the top of its peak which means that it has built good market for itself.
Keeping Python’s rising popularity in mind Picco Talent has trained its developers in python who can be hired remotely within 48 hours. Why waste time when you can hire an experienced Python developer for your project with just one click. Visit for more information.